Clerk & Recorder
County Clerk & Recorder Office Primary Duties:
Chief Election Authority for the County:
The county clerk administers all Federal, State, and County Elections. Our office is responsible for registering voters, preparing ballots, training election judges, securing all polling places, and all other election duties.
Clerk to the County Board:
Prepares and keeps the minutes of the Board Meetings.
The county clerk is responsible for the Payroll for all County Employees. (Except the Scott County Nursing Center.)
Accounts Payable:
Reviews, records, and administers payments for accounts payables.
Recorder of Deeds:
Records all documents and records related to land & structure transactions on properties within the county.
Vital Records:
The clerk’s office is responsible for all vital records; including death, birth, and marriage records within Scott County.
Tax Extensions:
Accepts the filing of annual budgets, levies, and financial reports for all taxing bodies within the county, and calculates the tax rates & extensions for each unit of government.
Delinquent Property Taxes:
The clerk’s office all collects all delinquent taxes, and is responsible for reimbursing tax buyers.